416-477-6793 [email protected]

Academic Law

Defend Against Academic Misconduct, Disputes & Appeals In Toronto & Canada Wide


Cheating on a test or exam






Improper research practices


Submitting forged or fake documentation


And much more...


Educational resources on the world of Academic Law

Academic Dishonesty In The Media

Legal Doomsday For Generative AI ChatGPT If Caught Plagiarizing Or Infringing, Warns AI Ethics And AI Law Two professors who say they caught students cheating on essays with ChatGPT explain why AI plagiarism can be hard to prove ‘Plagiarism’ Common in Brief-Writing,...

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Common Academic Offences and Penalties

Students are often surprised to learn that a minor infringement, such as utilizing an incorrect citation, is sufficient to constitute an academic offence. The harsh reality many face is that something as small as using the wrong last name in a citation can create...

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Book Your First Appointment

Consult with the experts regarding your academic legal matter

Thank you for considering Academic Law. My name is Adam Goodman. I have been practicing law since 2008 where, in addition to running a criminal practice, I have become one of the leading lawyers in representing students in Academic Disputes. I have become quite well-known in this area and regularly receive referrals from lawyers from across the province. I have been featured on the CBC documentary “Faking the Grade”.

I begin the process of working with a potential Academic client by scheduling a 50-minute consultation. I charge a fee for this consultation. I find that this structure works best for both the student and me. In this meeting I will ask pointed questions about your matter and seek to provide honest and forthright advice. We will take the time to develop a strategy to work towards the best result possible. The meeting is not meant to be a sales pitch. Many students are satisfied with the advice received and do not hire me further. Others will hire me for representation at various stages of their proceeding. Payment is due one-day prior to the meeting.

I offer the following consultation packages:


Consultation only: $450 plus HST.


Consultation package: $600 plus HST. This includes the initial consultation, email communication for four weeks, and a follow-up consultation when requested by the client.

I am pleased to welcome Alex Zheng as the newest member of the Academic Law team. Alex has been practicing law since 2018 and is pleased to be expanding his practice working in this area. Alex will be offering both initial consultations and consultation packages at the following rates:


Consultation only: $250 plus HST.


Consultation package: $400 plus HST.

I am also available to act as your legal counsel and represent you at Exploratory Meetings and before Faculty or Appeals committees or tribunals.

Book Your First Appointment

Fill out the form below to get in touch with us

Reach out TO US

For more information please fill out the form on the left.

401 Bay St, Suite 2008, Toronto, ON M5Y 2Y4
Tel: (416) 477-6793
Email: [email protected]

Academic Law is operated by Adam Goodman Law. For more information on Adam’s litigation practice, see www.aglaw.ca.